Paired with a free open-source Internet of Things (IoT) platform called If Then Than That, anyone can use a variety of common apps to connect with and control physical objects, such as the LEDs in a book, wearable, or other type of physical object. My project applies one simple way that the Photon, receiving data from Google Calendar, might be used as a component in a pop-up structure that might be set upon a tabletop or nested inside of a wifi-connected book.
Watch this video to learn how to power a servo motor using a Photon and IFTTT.
Here is the link to my Week 12 Reflection/ Final Project, detailing the creation of this project, as well as links to standards, learning resources, and the code I wrote.
To learn more about some of the work that I've been doing to learn about the Photon, feel free to peruse my Create with Code blog.
I love the idea of a "Bling Book" .